Jessner’s Chemical Peel

A medium depth chemical peel used to treat aging skin, acne scarring, and brown spots

What is Jessners Chemical Peel?

Jessner’s Chemical Peel is a state-of-the-art chemical peel for skin rejuvenation. As a medium-depth peel, it’s a powerful way to remove superficial layers of skin that are affected by sun damage and other unwanted age-related changes. This peel sports a unique formula that penetrates the upper layer of the dermis. Traditionally, the formula combines 14% resorcinol, salicylic acid, and lactic acid in an ethanol base – and each component plays an important role. First, salicylic acid helps to break up and remove keratinized, or hardened skin cells that make up the epidermis (outermost skin layers). Lactic acid offers some hydrating relief to these tissues simultaneously. The final active ingredient, resorcinol, helps act as an antiseptic, cleansing the treatment areas.  Jessner’s Chemical Peel helps to restore your skin’s vitality on the face or any other part of the body!

  • Jessner’s Chemical Peel can be a great way to restore skin smoothness from acne and acne scarring. As this peel works to remove the outer layer of skin and facilitate the skin’s natural healing mechanisms, acne scars can be evened out. Removing superficial skin helps smooth out the surface of the skin, reducing the appearance of scars, and the body will work to rebuild the new layers of skin with new collagen and healthy cells for a refreshed, glowing appearance.

  • Jessner’s Chemical Peel can also be a powerful treatment for eliminating sun-damaged brown spots. As we age, the sun’s UV light can cause pigmentation-producing cells called melanocytes to over-produce pigmentation, leading to splotches of dark brown coloration. Luckily with Jessner’s chemical peel, you don’t have to live with these sunspots! This chemical peel works to remove the outermost layer of skin, which helps even out any pigmentation abnormalities in the process. also, the body’s natural healing processes are triggered, with the removal of sun-damaged skin cells and finally renewal of new cells and beautiful new skin. As the hyperpigmentation clears up, the skin is restored to its youthful even tone.

  • Jessner’s Chemical Peel can be a great way to restore youth to aging hands. In deconstructing the superficial layer of skin, this treatment triggers an inflammatory response, leading to its natural healing. This helps refresh and rebuild the skin in these areas, evening out the skin’s surface. By treating the hands with Jessner’s peel, the skin’s wrinkles and lines that may form with age can be smoothened and the result is more even, vibrant skin on the hands. Jessner’s chemical peel thus offers a great way to turn back the clock on the hands, and other areas of the body for that matter!

jessners chemical peel for acne and scarring
jessners chemical peel for sunspots and brown sports
aging hands jessners peel

Jessner’s FAQ’S:

  • Results from Jessner’s Chemical Peel should be very long-lasting. Removal of age-related wrinkles, lines, and brown spots should last many months on average. The formation of other new sunspots and wrinkles is inevitable over time with further sun exposure and aging. Maintenance treatments may be required to keep results longer lasting.

  • To start, you and Dr. Brandish will develop an individualized treatment plan to determine if Jessner’s Chemical Peel is the best tool for the desired result.

    Once Jessner’s Chemical Peel is identified as the proper treatment, the skin will be cleaned and prepped for the procedure. The patient will lie resting in our treatment chair, relaxed. Jessner’s liquid solution will be applied to the desired areas using a cotton-tipped applicator or gauze. Several passes over the treatment area/areas will be needed to maximize results. There may be a mild stinging or burning sensation during the solution application that will last only 2-3 minutes. After the solution absorbs into the skin, a toning solution may be applied to cool and soothe the skin.

    Although advanced precautions are taken at Brandish Clinic to perform optimal treatments with minimal downtime, the procedure can make the skin sensitive to light for the days after the procedure. Be sure to stay out of the sun as much as possible and always have protective sunscreen applied to the skin. The skin will peel and be mildly red for a few days to a couple of weeks while healing. When it is fully healed, the skin will be revitalized and have a more clear complexion!

    Several treatments may be required to maximize the outcome in patients with more severe conditions.

  • Side effects may occur with Jessner’s Chemical Peel. The most common side effects are as follows:

    – Redness or swelling

    – Peeling of skin

    – Stinging or burning

    These side effects tend to be mild and should dissipate on their own in the week following the procedure. More severe side effects include pigmentation changes and infection, but these are extremely rare.

Cosmelan Peel

A multi-step chemical peel for hyperpigmentation

What Cosmelan Peel?

The Cosmelan Peel is a multi-step treatment program used to treat resistant hyperpigmentation skin conditions like brown patches, or Melasma. From the in-office mask peel application to the at-home aftercare products, this treatment system uses powerful formulas containing a variety of medicated ingredients that help fight stubborn pigmentation conditions to even out the skin’s tone and coloration.

  • Cosmelan peels are great for the treatment of resistant and recurring brown patches often referred to as Melasma. As we age, the sun’s UV light can cause pigmentation-producing cells called melanocytes to over-produce pigmentation, leading to splotches of dark brown discoloration. Melasma, although worsened by the sun’s IV light, mostly is under the influence of multiple stimuli such as hormonal changes (during/after pregnancy for women) and/or genetic predispositions. The Cosmelan peel treatment provides a great way to treat these stubborn types of melasma, which can otherwise be difficult to treat. Cosmelan Peels generally include two primary steps: an in-office appointment and at-home aftercare. The office appointment with Dr. Brandish first includes Vibradermabrasion to clear any obstructions or barriers on the skin for effective absorption of the Cosmelan mask (Cosmelan 1). Cosmelan 1 is a mask applied following Vibradermabrasion. This mask uses the power of different acids to provide a gentle but effective facial peel that helps remove the melasma pigmentation molecules from the skin as it peels away. The at-home Cosmelan 2 Cream product is then applied daily to maintain the results from Cosmelan 1, ensuring that the skin is staying clear of the excessive melanocytes (brown melasma spots) over time. Although hormones and genetics can contribute to the future production of these melasma patches, the Cosmelan Peel regimen provides a persistent solution to this persistent condition, keeping your skin tone even and beautifully radiant over time.

cosmelan peel cosmelan for melasma brown spots

Cosmelan FAQ’S:

  • Results from the Cosmelan Peel can be very effective and long-lasting. Alleviation of melasma pigmentation spots should last many months to years on average with continued maintenance therapy and a good sun protection regimen. Due to the hormonal and genetic nature of resistant hyperpigmentation or melasma, the formation of new melasma spots may continue with aging. Follow-up treatment may be required to maximize results as is long-term maintenance therapy to inhibit excessive melanin production.

  • To start, you and Dr. Brandish will develop an individualized treatment plan to determine if the Cosmelan Peel is the best tool for the desired result.

    At the appointment, the skin will be cleaned and prepped for the procedure. Vibradermabrasion will be used to clear any barriers to absorption of the Cosmelan products for best results. The product mask will then be applied to the concerned areas of the skin. The patient may now head home, continuing to keep this mask on for 4-8 hours depending on the severity of hyperpigmentation.

    After an appropriate time, the patient will wash the mask off and apply a series of topicals to the treatment areas, including anti-inflammatory medicated ointments, healing creams, growth factors, etc. There can then be no sun exposure for 24 hours after, and the patient may start using cosmelan 2 after 36-48 hrs of mask application. The at-home treatment (Cosmelan 2) can be applied once or twice per day depending on the melasma severity.

    The skin will peel and be mildly red for 1-2 weeks on average while it is healing. When it is fully healed, the skin will be revitalized and have a more clear complexion!

    A follow-up appointment will be needed 4-6 weeks after the initial treatment. Cosmelan II usage may be recommended for 6-12 months thereafter for maintenance therapy.

    Further treatments may be required some months later to maximize the outcome in severe cases.

  • Side effects with Cosmelan Peel are rare. The most common side effects are as follows:

    – Redness or swelling

    – Tightness and/or itchiness

    – Peeling of skin

    – Stinging or burning

    These side effects tend to be mild and should dissipate on their own in the week following the procedure.